Which is more Economical:
Stainless Steel or Aluminum?
Technical Services Manager Oscar Schmerber, a TSM veteran of 16 years, is frequently asked to compare the relative costs of stainless steel vs. aluminum railing. "Everyone assumes that since aluminum has a perception of being inferior to stainless steel for architectural and ornamental applications, it automatically costs less," said Oscar. "But this is not necessarily - or even usually - the case."
He allows that the initial cost of aluminum, which is well known for its light weight, is less than stainless steel. "However, the finishing and extra care that aluminum requires in manufacturing will, in most cases, overtake the difference in cost between the two metals. Aluminum needs extra precautions to maintain a blemish-free finish, for the metal is not very abrasion resistant. It is also an unforgiving, delicate metal to work with, and any flaw in the material, slight scratch or even a fingerprint will show up glaringly when it is later anodized." Stainless steel may be more expensive initially, but you can rework it easily and after polishing, it looks as good as new. "But if you try this with aluminum the welds sometimes crack, creating unsightly dark spots that are only apparent after anodizing," Oscar warns.
TSM offers both aluminum and stainless steel railing systems
in components and custom fabrication. Oscar suggest this general
rule of thumb to use in determining which metal may be more economical
for a particular installation: "If the job is too complicated
to use standard components (either AdaptaRail or StainlessConnect),
you will save money with both the rail cost and installation time
if you choose stainless steel."
Response to Catalog 803!
Catalog 803 was mailed to all TSM Times readers in early October, and the response to our new literature has been very enthusiastic. Our fax machines have been whirling with activity as requests for extra copies keep flowing in, which we have been happy to accommodate.
Perhaps the most frequent comment heard about the catalog was, "I didn't know you had so many different products!" We have also received many kind comments about the general presentation of the catalog, for which we thank you.
Catalog 803 has 44 color pages featuring grab bars, washroom
accessories and railing systems. Fax or call us for extra copies.
Discounts are Still
in Effect
We have received many inquiries regarding whether our discount schedules still apply to the May 15, 1994 price list and October 15, 1996 supplemental price list. The answer is yes!
If you have any questions regarding your discount from list,
please don't hesitate to call or fax us.
New Phone Numbers
are Easy to
TSM has two new easy-to-use phone numbers:
1-800-Call TSM (800-225-5876)
1-800-Grab Bar (800-472-2227)
Both of them will connect you directly to customer service.
The Story Behind Those
We never expected the original drawings of models using bathroom grab bars on pages 10-11 would be branded as too risque, but that is just what happened prior to publication of the catalog! We actually had to add shorts to all of the bathers to not offend readers in some foreign countries.
So that is why all of our bathers have colorful shorts on,
even as they are entering the bathtub!
A frog went to the bank to get a loan.
His loan officer was named Miss Paddywack, and she asked him if
he had any collateral. "Why, sure," said the frog, "I've
got a Hummel." Not exactly sure what a Hummel was, but rather
doubting it would suffice as collateral, Miss Paddywack decided
to ask her manager what to do. She knocked on her manager's door
and was summoned in. "All the frog has for collateral is
a Hummel, and I am not sure what that is," she said. To which
the manager replied, "It's a knickknack, Paddywack, give
the frog a loan!"
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