TSM Home Page / TSM TIMES Second Quarter 1996

The Times

Tubular Specialties Manufacturing, Inc. .......... Washroom Accessories and Railing

Second Quarter 1996

30 Year Anniversary

TSM is jubilant to be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year! "It's great to be looking back at so many years," said President Marcia Huntley. "We appreciate more than we can say the loyalty and support of our customers. We are also blessed to have wonderful employees and are very proud of the fact that the average length of employment at TSM is 12 years!"

TSM Acquires New Bender

Vice President-General Manager Arif Mansuri recently announced TSM's expanded bending capabilities. "Our new bending machine can bend up to 4-1/2" Schedule 40 stainless steel pipe. It is great to have this new bender to accommodate TSM's increasing custom fabrication needs!" As is TSM's custom dating back to the 60's, a celebration was held and champagne was offered to all employees to toast the company's latest machinery acquisition. "It is always a happy ceremony that everyone looks forward to with excitement and pride," said Marcia.

Floor to Ceiling Grab Bar Added to Line

In response to many inquiries, TSM now has a floor to ceiling grab bar available as a standard item. The floor flange is welded and the sleeved ceiling flange attaches to the tubing with set screws. Lengths are as specified and the grab bar is available in either 1-1/4" or 1-1/2" O.D.

It's Almost Here!

TSM's new catalog 803 will be out this summer, assures Vice President-Sales Pam Watts. "We were hoping to have it ready in the spring, but we decided to add four more pages, which has delayed the release a few months. However, we know it will be worth the wait, and we thank you all for your patience."

Expanded Railing Sections in New Catalog

TSM has always been well known for its expertise in stainless steel and brass railing systems, but in the new catalog there will be an expansion into these railing areas as well:
  • AlumaRail for aluminum components
  • Pool Railing, including ladders and Figure 4 rails
  • Glassvue for glass railing

    The stainless steel and brass railing systems are being expanded as well with the addition of many new ADA-compliant items, including:

  • Picket rail
  • Flanges
  • Wall brackets
  • Posts
  • Many other miscellaneous components

    1994 Price List Good Through 1996

    Your May 15, 1994 price list will be good throughout 1996. The pricing volatility we experienced in our raw material pricing in 1995 has largely settled down, which has made an immediate change in the published price list unnecessary.


    A man brought his dog in for a job interview as a secretary. The interviewer expressed some doubt about the dog's skill levels and ability to do the job. "He has to take a typing test," he said flatly. "No problem," said the dog's owner, and to the employer's surprise, the dog promptly typed 85 wpm. "Well, he also has to file," said the employer, stalling. "Let me see how he does that." He handed the dog a daunting pile of papers, which the dog made swift work of. The owner beamed. "I have to admit, he's pretty good," said the employer, shaking his head. "But I'm afraid this job requires bilingual ability." The owner nodded at his dog. "Meow," said the dog.

    Have a Great Summer!

    Where to Find Us

     Toll Free 800/CALL TSM (800/225-5876) and 800/GRAB BAR(800/472-2227)

     Main 310/515-4801, Voice Mail 310/515-5861, Fax 310/217-0653

     Mailing address P.O. Box 60262, Los Angeles, CA 90060

     Shipping Address 13011 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90061

     Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

     Warehouses in Tacoma, Washington/Passaic, New Jersey/Los Angeles, CA

    Corporate Headquarters
    Shipping Address:
    13011 South Spring Steet
    Los Angeles, CA 90061, USA.

    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 60262
    Los Angeles, CA 90060, USA.

    (800) CALL TSM / (800) 225-5876
    (800) GRAB BAR / (800) 472-2227
    (310) 515-4801 ..... Fax: (310) 217-0653 ..... Voice: (310) 515-5861
    Web Site: http://www.calltsm.com E-Mail: tsm@calltsm.com

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