The stainless steel and brass railing systems are being expanded as well with the addition of many new ADA-compliant items, including:
A man brought his dog in for a job interview as a secretary. The interviewer
expressed some doubt about the dog's skill levels and ability to do the job. "He has to
take a typing test," he said flatly. "No problem," said the dog's owner, and to the
employer's surprise, the dog promptly typed 85 wpm. "Well, he also has to file," said the
employer, stalling. "Let me see how he does that." He handed the dog a daunting pile of
papers, which the dog made swift work of. The owner beamed. "I have to admit, he's
pretty good," said the employer, shaking his head. "But I'm afraid this job requires
bilingual ability."
The owner nodded at his dog. "Meow," said the dog.
Main 310/515-4801, Voice Mail 310/515-5861, Fax 310/217-0653
Mailing address P.O. Box 60262, Los Angeles, CA 90060
Shipping Address 13011 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90061
Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Warehouses in Tacoma, Washington/Passaic, New Jersey/Los Angeles, CA
Corporate Headquarters
Shipping Address:
13011 South Spring Steet
Los Angeles, CA 90061, USA.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 60262
Los Angeles, CA 90060, USA.
(800) CALL TSM / (800) 225-5876
(800) GRAB BAR / (800) 472-2227
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